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Other Work Experience

The following is a selection of my personal technical projects, representing various stages of development. Some are currently live, while others are still in the ideation phase.


Bookstoc is an ambitious open-source initiative aimed at revolutionizing the way we interact with financial advice from books. This platform is designed to transform complex financial concepts into practical, web-based financial tools that users can easily refer to and utilize in their everyday financial planning. The goal is to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, making financial literacy more accessible and actionable.

  • Stage: Ideation Stage
  • Previous Iteration: Initially a book cataloging site similar to Goodreads, facilitating users to discover and catalog their favorite books.
  • Technologies: GitHub, Astro JS, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), MongoDB
  • Timeline: Q3 - Q4 2024


Houseowner is an innovative portal designed to streamline the management of real estate assets. This comprehensive application handles the bookkeeping of rental payments and maintenance activities associated with properties. Furthermore, it integrates advanced AI algorithms to provide homeowners with insightful suggestions on how to enhance rental yields and increase property value. This intelligent system aims to empower property owners with data-driven strategies for optimizing their investments.

  • Stage: Ideation Stage
  • Development Commencement: Q1 2025 started as a personal blog but has evolved into a dynamic developer's hub on the internet. It now serves as a central base camp showcasing my technical skills, blog posts, and portfolio of work. This platform is not only a reflection of my personal journey in the tech world but also a resource for other developers looking to gain insights and inspiration. With a focus on continuous improvement and community engagement, is committed to being a valuable part of the developer ecosystem.

  • Stage: Live (v2)
  • Technologies: Docusaurus, GitHub Pages, GitHub Actions
  • Inception: Q2 2019

Amazon Seller

I assist my father in selling some of his plastic parts on Amazon India. Through this experience, I have gained valuable business insights in cataloging inventory, managing sales on Amazon, overseeing ad campaigns, and handling GST accounts. This role has enhanced my understanding of e-commerce operations and digital marketing strategies, providing a practical complement to my technical skill set.

  • Stage: Live
  • Technologies: Amazon Seller Portal, Photography, Accounts Management & Logistics
  • Inception: Q1 2024