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The 22 Immutable Laws Of Marketing by AI Ries & Jack Trout

· 3 min read

Why This Book?

As a software engineer, I recognized that despite my proficiency with AI and technology tools, I lacked essential marketing skills. This deficiency was hindering my ability to effectively sell products online. In my quest to bridge this gap, I stumbled upon "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing" by Al Ries and Jack Trout. This book has been a revelation, offering deep insights into the principles of marketing. Here, I will share three significant concepts from the book for my reference and yours.

Big Ideas

1. The Law of Perception

In India, Maruti Suzuki is a household name. However, it is perceived primarily as a mass-market brand, struggling to penetrate the premium segment. To address this, Maruti launched a new brand, Nexa, which has had some success in selling premium cars. Although it has a long way to go to compete with German brands, it is a step in the right direction.

Similarly, marketing is all about perception. It is not about having the best product but about being perceived as the best. The advertising, taglines, and positioning are all about embedding the brand name in the consumer's mind until it becomes the first choice. For example, Pepsi is perceived as youthful, while Coca-Cola is seen as old-school.

You may build a great product, but the buyer should perceive you as a great product.

2. The Law of Category

Have you ever wondered why Maruti produces so many car models even though their prices are often similar? The answer lies in categories. To become a market leader, companies position themselves by creating sub-categories. These sub-categories are further broken down into smaller niches.

Within these small categories, leaders emerge. For instance, Mahindra is the market leader in the SUV segment in India. As a developer, I fall into the sub-category of lead frontend engineers. If you cannot become the number one detergent seller, create a sub-category like liquid detergent and dominate it. This is what Godrej Consumer Care is doing with the liquid detergent market.

A sub category may not fully kill the parent category. For example kindle did not replace books completly.

Instead of building a "me-too" product, create a sub-category and be number one in that category.

3. The Law of Duality

In the long run, every market is dominated by two major players. This phenomenon is inherent in market dynamics. For example, in India, the telecom market, now an essential commodity, is dominated by two giants: Jio and Airtel. The third player, Vodafone, and others continually lose market share to these leaders.

This pattern is evident in various categories:

  • Premium Motorcycles: Royal Enfield and KTM
  • Soda: Coca-Cola and Pepsi
  • Premium Detergents: Surf Excel and Ariel
  • Search Engines: Google and Bing

Once the market is polarized by two companies, people perceive them as superior and choose them repeatedly.


This book has been an eye-opener, helping me understand the marketing dynamics around me. I now comprehend why the Indian telecom market is a duopoly between Jio and Airtel. As a developer, I realize the importance of choosing a sub-category and gaining market share there, rather than competing in the general segment.

While the book is highly informative and offers actionable ideas, it is not a manual that can be implemented in its entirety. It provides a foundation of marketing principles that one can adapt and build upon.

Developer experience by Addy Osmani

· 3 min read

"Developer experience by Addy Osmani"

Developer Experience (DX) is not just a buzzword tossed around at conferences; it's a crucial aspect of software development that significantly influences how developers author, maintain, and test software. Addy Osmani, a prominent figure in the development community, has recently penned a book on DX, providing valuable insights that can reshape how we approach software development. In this blog post, we'll delve into the key takeaways from the book and explore the principles, metrics, and strategies that contribute to a seamless DX.

First Impressions

Addy Osmani's book on DX is not only a compelling read but also freely accessible on the internet, making it a valuable resource for developers. With around one hundred pages, it offers succinct yet powerful insights that can be immediately applied in the enterprise software development landscape.

Key Takeaways

  1. Core of DX:

    • DX revolves around how easily and effectively developers can accomplish tasks.
  2. DX vs. UX:

    • Good DX shares similarities with good User Experience (UX).
    • Components include understanding developer needs, designing intuitive tools, providing high-quality documentation, and fostering support and community engagement.
    • Success metrics involve surveys, quantitative metrics, and productivity gains.
  3. Qualitative and Quantitative Metrics:

    • Metrics span usability, accessibility, findability, credibility, usefulness, value, and sentiment analysis.
  4. First Principles of DX:

    • Embrace principles like speed, minimal friction, incremental steps, hands-on learning, and prompt issue resolution.
  5. Developer Tool Evaluation:

    • Developers assess tools based on APIs, documentation quality, development speed, production readiness, architectural understanding, ecosystem maturity, and debugging ease.
  6. Quick Tips:

    • Prioritize error management.
    • Emphasize speed.
    • Market effectively.
  7. Effective Error Messages:

    • Good error messages identify the problem, its cause, and the solution, unblocking developers in the process.
  8. Real-time Feedback:

    • Provide feedback as developers type to preemptively address runtime or compilation errors.
  9. UX and First Impressions:

    • Positive experiences involve quick installation, rapid problem resolution, comprehensive APIs, and efficient information retrieval.
  10. DX Mindset:

    • Establish a DX vision and principles.
    • Measure DX success.
    • Implement DX in tools and journey maps.
    • Continuously refine and improve DX maturity.
  11. Implementation Strategies:

    • Focus on the first five minutes and the solid 100th day.
    • Aim for zero friction and high speed.
    • Leverage build automation and opinionated tooling.
    • Engage in understanding developer needs.
  12. Developer Relations (DevRel):

    • Take DX to the community.
    • Act as the first customer to validate APIs and libraries.
    • Listen to community feedback and address questions.
    • Create comprehensive documentation, samples, and blog posts.
    • Manage local and online communities through active interactions.
  13. Types of Developer Journeys:

    • Frequent and important journeys.
    • Infrequent yet crucial journeys.
  14. DX Journey Touchpoints:

    • Discover: Utilize social platforms, events, blogs, newsletters, and case studies.
    • Evaluate: Prioritize a well-designed docs landing page and FAQs.
    • Learn: Provide quick start guides, code samples, and tutorials.
    • Build: Offer sandboxes, reference guides, and change logs.
    • Scale: Focus on developer success and showcase implementations.


In conclusion, Addy Osmani's concise book serves as a thought-provoking summary that ignites the discourse around DX. As the software development landscape continues to evolve, embracing a DX-focused mindset and implementing the strategies outlined in this book can pave the way for a more efficient and enjoyable development experience. The fire of DX has been lit, and it's poised to spread across the development community.

Learn to Win Arguments and Succeed 20 Powerful Techniques to Never Lose an Argument again, with Real Life Examples. A Life Skill for Everyone by Vishal Gupta

· 3 min read

"Learn to Win Arguments and Succeed by Vishal Gupta"

Arguments often have a bad reputation, associated with raised voices, negative emotions, and anger. We tend to avoid them, viewing them as something to be steered clear of. After all, arguments are typically reserved for courtrooms and formal debates, right? Well, not quite. Vishal Gupta, an engineer and a criminal side lawyer, believes that mastering the art of argumentation is a life skill that everyone should cultivate. In his book, "Learn to Win Arguments and Succeed," Gupta sheds light on how to engage in constructive, persuasive arguments that help you convey your viewpoint effectively.

Here are three valuable takeaways from the book that anyone can use to enhance their argumentative skills:

1. Proverbs: Less is More

Proverbs have held a special place in our society for centuries. Instead of using a multitude of words to make your point, proverbs condense wisdom into succinct phrases. Take, for example, the timeless adage, "as you sow, so shall you reap." This simple proverb can be a powerful tool to persuade someone to take responsibility for their actions. By utilizing such wisdom, you can make your arguments more concise and compelling.

2. Repeat, Repeat, Repeat

Some arguments can be grueling, particularly when the stakes are high. Picture a scenario where someone has damaged your motorcycle and is falsely accusing you of mistakes. Instead of getting lost in the chaos of defending yourself against every accusation, Gupta suggests a different approach: repetition. By consistently and calmly repeating your strong defense, you can guide the conversation toward a resolution. Repetition can help your opponent notice and, ultimately, accept their mistake.

3. Loaded Words: The Power of Emotion

In the art of persuasion, emotions play a crucial role. Loaded words, as Vishal Gupta explains, are terms or phrases that carry strong emotional connotations. These words are designed to sway opinions, evoke emotions, and manipulate the audience in various ways. For instance, instead of using plain language to accuse someone of their mistake, try employing loaded language to vividly illustrate their error. Words like "injustice" can evoke a profound sense of unfairness, making your argument more emotionally resonant.


"Learn to Win Arguments and Succeed" is a must-read for anyone who encounters situations where persuasive skills matter, be it at work, in relationships, or elsewhere. The book offers a comprehensive set of techniques and strategies that can help you emerge victorious in debates while preserving respect and understanding in interpersonal relationships. Vishal Gupta's experience as an engineer and a lawyer makes him a credible source to guide readers through the art of argumentation. So, next time you hear someone say, "Don't argue with me," you'll be better equipped to navigate the discussion with finesse and persuasion. This book teaches you that arguments can be constructive, and mastering this skill is essential for everyone.

Making money in stocks - simplified by Aditya Shroff

· 2 min read

"Making money in stocks - simplified by Aditya Shroff"

We all have friends with different financial backgrounds. Some are already financially savvy, while others aspire to be. Aditya Shroff's book is tailored for the latter group, those who wish to elevate their financial literacy and carefully invest their hard-earned money.

Today, I want to introduce you to a book that bridges the gap between financial novices and seasoned investors, bringing the world of stocks closer to your fingertips. "Making Money in Stocks - Simplified" by Aditya Shroff is a treasure trove of financial wisdom.

Aditya Shroff, a seasoned Indian fund manager, is your guide in this journey. He takes you on a captivating exploration of the Indian stock market's highs and lows, offering insights in a conversational style that makes complex financial concepts feel accessible.

What sets this book apart is its ability to make financial concepts engaging. Through the conversations of three individuals, with one wise investor guiding the others, the content becomes a pleasure to read. The timeless investment strategies discussed within can be applied for many years to come.

A standout idea in the book is the "Identification of Economic Cycles." This advanced-level content helps investors build robust portfolios by understanding which sectors thrive during each phase of the economic cycle.

"Making Money in Stocks - Simplified" by Aditya Shroff is a must-have for your bookshelf. It's the perfect reference when you're analyzing stocks, making the world of finance more accessible and exciting. So, if you're looking to step up your financial game, this book is your essential guide. Happy investing!

Stolen Focus - Why You Can't Pay Attention And How to Think Deeply Again by Johann Hari, self help genre

· 4 min read

"Stolen Focus Why You Can't Pay Attention--And How to Think Deeply Again by Johann Hari"

Unlocking Creativity and Productivity: Insights from a Comprehensive Study on Focus

In a substantial volume of 368 pages, an author of esteemed journalistic background delves into a subject of paramount significance for individuals of artistic inclinations - the art of focus. This book represents an impressive departure from the author's previous works which tackled weighty topics such as drugs, addiction, and depression. Meticulously researched, the book is an eloquent piece of literature that draws its insights from interviews with preeminent experts in the realm of memory management.

Within the pages of this enlightening work, three pivotal concepts stand out, offering readers invaluable insights into the realm of focus and its intricate interplay with various facets of modern life:

The Symbiotic Dance Between the Author and the Web: A Discourse on the Significance of Flow

The author expounds upon a personal transformation where he purposefully disentangles himself from the ensnaring tendrils of the web, mobile phones, and the internet at large, all in an earnest endeavor to enrich his focus and reclaim moments in a serene coastal town. By relinquishing the constant companionship of his phone and severing the digital umbilical cord, he experiences a profound transformation within himself. However, his epiphany lies in the realization that the absence of digital devices is not the sole catalyst for enhancing focus; rather, it is the pursuit of activities that facilitate a state of flow which emerges as the linchpin for heightened concentration.

As anticipated in a treatise devoted to the reinvigoration of focus, the discourse encompasses a contemplation on the role of applications and technology. The author astutely illuminates the strategies employed by these apps to captivate our attention, laying bare the intricate machinations of a phenomenon dubbed 'surveillance capitalism,' wherein the behemoths of commerce exploit our online presence to amass considerable fortunes. A countermeasure against this contemporary conundrum is proposed - a judicious utilization of the 'do not disturb' mode as a means to reclaim our cognitive space.

Unveiling the Culprits: Diet, Pollution, and Pharmaceuticals

The author, in his meticulous exploration, unearths an intriguing nexus between dietary habits, environmental factors, and pharmaceutical interventions, particularly as they relate to the burgeoning malady of hyperactivity disorders, notably ADHD. The narrative sheds light on the deleterious consequences of crash diets, elucidating how volatile fluctuations in blood sugar levels engender hyperactivity, ultimately precipitating the manifestation of Attention Disorder and Hyperactivity Disease. A trenchant observation regarding the use of certain additives in soft drinks, recognized culprits in inducing hyperactivity among children, is presented. The dichotomy between the regulatory stances of Europe and the United States on these additives is scrutinized, leaving the reader with much to ponder.

Concluding Reflections: Fostering a Focus-Friendly Society

In synthesis, the book posits focus as an indispensable linchpin in the tapestry of achievement, an attribute transcending individual guilt and transmogrifying into a collective societal responsibility. The narrative underscores the imperative of shaping our technological infrastructure and urban landscapes to harmoniously coexist with our intrinsic need for focused contemplation. By shedding the mantle of self-reproach for moments of diverted attention, and instead orchestrating a collaborative endeavor to cultivate focus-conducive environments, we embark upon a journey toward the zenith of creativity and productivity.

In this thought-provoking volume, the interplay between the individual and the digital realm, the machinations of technology, and the intricate dance of external factors converge to furnish readers with a roadmap to unlock the potential of focus - a veritable treasure trove for creative souls seeking to navigate the labyrinth of modern distractions and harness the true essence of their cognitive prowess.

Mindful Zen Habits by Mark Reklau, self help genre

· 2 min read

"Mindful Zen Habits by Mark Reklau"

In the realm of non-fiction literature, the self-help genre stands as the most sought-after category. However, making a meaningful impact within this genre can be a challenging endeavor for authors. Mark Reklau's book, "Mindful Zen Habits," rises to this challenge, offering readers a formal and informative exploration of self-improvement principles.

Key Insights from the Book:

Emphasizing the Value of Periodic Evaluation:

Reklau advocates the significance of setting specific key performance indicators (KPIs) for our goals and regularly assessing our progress toward them. By transforming aspirations into tangible written goals, the likelihood of attainment increases substantially, distinguishing a sincere commitment from mere wishful thinking.

Embracing Sadness as Part of Life's Tapestry:

The author shines a light on the deceptive narrative propagated by consumerism, promoting an illusion of constant happiness. Reklau reminds readers that it is perfectly normal to experience moments of sadness which suppresses grief. By acknowledging and accepting sadness, individuals can navigate life's challenges with greater resilience.

Slowing Down to Foster Intellectual Growth:

In today's fast-paced world, a perpetual sense of hurry permeates our lives. Reklau cautions against the inherent risks of haste, urging us to take the time to truly listen to others. By refraining from rushing through tasks and instead adopting a systematic approach, we create space for intellectual growth and develop empathy for those around us.


Mark Reklau's "Mindful Zen Habits" presents a refreshing perspective, free from cultural biases, and offers a treasure trove of transformative habits that can lead to a successful life. As the author wisely states, "Do not rely solely on self-discipline; instead, make positive habits a cornerstone of your journey." By incorporating the wisdom and practical insights shared within this book, readers can embark on a meaningful path of self-improvement, ultimately shaping a more purposeful and fulfilling existence

Lets talk mutual funds by Monika Halan, personal finance genre

· 2 min read

"Lets talk mutual fund by Monika Halan"

In today's world, it has become commonplace for finance books to be authored by young influencers in their 20s. However, amid this trend, we witness the rare occurrence of true financial expertise in the form of Monika Halan, a seasoned finance professional. In her latest book, Monika delves into the realm of tried and tested mutual funds, following the success of her first book, "Let's Talk Money."

Highlighted Concepts:

Unraveling the Complexity of Mutual Fund Categories for Retail Investors:

Monika Halan adeptly navigates the intricate landscape of mutual funds, offering valuable insights to retail investors. With a focus on two primary categories, namely equity and debt funds, she systematically outlines the various subcategories that often bewilder investors. By demystifying options like large & mid-cap funds, multi-cap funds, and tax saver funds within equity, as well as liquid funds and money market funds within debt, Halan empowers readers to make informed decisions. Moreover, she advocates for the adoption of direct mutual funds to optimize investment outcomes.

Identifying the Eaters of Your Invested Money:

The author highlights the significant forces that diminish the potential growth of invested funds: inflation, taxes, and costs. To truly prosper, an investment must outpace these erosive factors. Halan emphasizes the importance of generating interest, dividends, and profits to ensure fruitful investments, making it essential for investors to strategize wisely.

Emphasizing the Significance of Asset Allocation:

One of the most critical aspects of financial management is asset allocation, which empowers retail investors to exert control over their portfolios. While market conditions remain beyond an investor's influence, Monika Halan accentuates the impact of asset allocation in achieving not only profitability but also maintaining liquidity for future needs. This prudent approach allows investors to navigate uncertainties with a well-balanced and diversified portfolio.


Monika Halan's latest offering proves to be a compelling and gripping sequel, solidifying her position as a trustworthy guide for retail investors. Her expertise and knowledge shine through as she simplifies complex financial concepts, making them accessible to readers from all walks of life. For those seeking to enhance their financial acumen and optimize investment strategies, this book is an indispensable read. Monika Halan continues to inspire and empower individuals on their journey towards financial prosperity, and her latest work stands as a testament to her enduring commitment to financial education and literacy.

Stock Market Investing for Beginners Essentials to Start Investing Successfully by Tycho Press

· 4 min read

My last book talk was on the topic of minimalism at home. As an effect of minimalism, we are going to save money and gain minimalism dividends.

Extending those lines, we are going to discuss another book on the topic of money. It's about stock market investing for beginners by Tacho press.

I remember this vividly, ever since I started watching the news on the television. There will be a 1-minute bulletin showing the Bombay stock exchange and just sharing the BSE Sensex numbers and the remaining 25 minutes for news.

I come from a country where financial literacy with technology is not widespread. Most Indians still rely on agents to walk into the door and pitch financial products.

Ask any Indian home about the stock market, they would say that it's a sure-shot way to lose money. That's because the stock market is not a place where your ambitions are respected, it's a place where process, research, and hard work are respected.

Losing money on taxes should not be the only reason why you should not sell profitable stocks after many years of holding them.

Why read this book

This book helps you put the leg in the door of the stock market. The book talks at length about three main concepts and a lot of questions for beginners.

The book does not give stock calls or techniques. This book is mostly theoretical and filled with general advice. Some topics from the fundamental and technical analysis are touched upon.

10 hours of portfolio management per week shows poor time management. Spending less than an hour per week is foolishness.

About the author

Frankly speaking, there isn't a face behind the book or a page thanking mother/wife, etc. This book is published by a corporate author. That's all we know.

This is good in one way because we do not have to emphatize with their anecdotes. We can read the facts and go ahead.

Top ideas from the book

Access the stock from 3 angles

  • Valuation - undervalue stocks preferred
  • Growth - check the past 5 quarters' growth
  • Profitability - check the profitability of the business and compare it with the industry

news is a part of the stock investing game

Selecting stocks

  • Identify a sector where you have some knowledge
  • Select 10 stocks in the sector
  • Perform valuation analysis
  • Perform growth and profit analysis
  • Remove bad apples from the rest. You would have identified 1 or 2 good stocks out of 10.

Believe in what you read, now what you hear


  • Buy multiple stocks -holding 25 to 35 stocks is not the only sign of diversification
  • Buy from at least 6 sectors
  • Buy different types of investments like bonds, stocks, etc

If all stocks are falling, you need not be concerned. If only one stock is falling while others are moving up, then we have a problem.

Finding the percentage of stocks and bonds

  • Minus your age of 110, that should be your stocks and the remaining is bonds. A 40-year-old can have 70% stocks and 30% bonds
  • If you are wealthy, you can bump up stocks allocation another 5%

Ideas I do not agree with

Most of the book is based on factual information, there are no personal viewpoints of the author that I disagree with.


Most young Indians approach the stock market with the mindset of making 1% to 10% percent returns every month. They make a lot of trades and no wonder they make big losses in the first 5 years.

This book does one thing really well. It gives you pointers that act like guard rails so that you can approach the stock market and make money safely. It's a recommended read even for intermediate-level stock market professionals.

A stock market beginner should not do a lot of trades.

The Minimalist Home by Joshua Becker

· 8 min read

I have been reading books about all things that matter in life. This is the first book about the most important place on earth "The Home". Each one's home is unique and I am going to talk about this book from a working-class person living in India.

Home is a place for rest & focus. Find alignment between purpose & possession in life.

About the author

The author is a minimalist guru and a staunch advocate of minimalism. If you are going to search for the word minimalist on any search engine or social media platform, you might run into the works of Joshua Becker. He has written multiple books on the topic of minimalism.

Goals shape us, goals change us

One of the ideas from his previous books which I follow meticulously is remove duplicates. Have 2 towels instead of 5. Wash the blankets and use them within the same day. You do not need to maintain multiple blankets.

Why minimalism

Prioritize extra time in hand and extra money in your pocket over extra things in the closet.

I wanted you to observe the people around you. Some of them are super focussed on the things they do and deterministic about the things they own. While a vast majority of them are otherwise. If you lift your head and observe some legendary people like Steve Jobs & Mahatma Gandhi, they were leading a minimalist life. They were spearheaded about the mission of their life. Both Steve Jobs & Gandhi were not popular because they wore fancy dresses/clothing most of the time. They did not own fancy homes but the outcome of their work and the value they brought to the world is immeasurable.

In success literature, it's a trend to observe and reverse engineer the qualities of successful people or reverse the trend which is followed by the masses. In this context minimalism has hit a niche market and there is a good amount of education, adoption, and evangelism available out there.

You are bound by home instead of being freed by home.

Let's answer the why, Minimalism is a philosophy so it's hard to punch in a scientific definition of minimalism. Minimalism is about focusing on things that matter to you and your goal in life. A minimalist tries to turn his surroundings, tools, and thoughts toward the main goal in life.

Let's observe Steve Jobs, he believed in good design. According to Jobs, design is not how it looks but how it works. His car, dress, office, products, and entire life were obsessively driven by design instead of being missold to random ideas or whims of the market. Nevertheless, he achieved great things in life.

Reimagine the environment around the goals in life.

Top ideas from the book

The book is written around the topic of "Home". The author prescribes how to approach each room as a minimalist. Of course, if you were to follow this book. You might expect trouble from your family or roommates and the author has written about that too.

If your house does not have a basement, then your bed storage is your basement.

Stuff problem

Once in a while, Indian moms yell at their children for bringing home something useless. But the child feels it's the best thing they could buy in their life. As a grown-up adult, I purchased a few things which I am not proud of like expensive home gym equipment which was not used at all. My mom complained right on the day of purchase and even showed me alternates like running or using body weight. Let's say I did not have a mom and I go binge shopping. I would be left with 10 items sitting on the floor because they did not have a shelf to sit on all the time. My room would turn into a cave with all sorts of things that I do not use. That's exactly what the author calls out as a stuff problem.

If you have nice things to impress your friends, then you got the wrong friends.

People with stuff problems have trouble with shifting homes, spending more time on the upkeep and lastly, they cannot say where their things are. They keep misplacing things and spend a lot of time searching for them. Simple things like walking in the dark are not easy because they have stuff sitting on the floor. I have personally seen some Indian homes where the guests can clearly call out as a mess. Some guests would even give advice like "why don't you clear the textbooks from school which are stacked up on the floor in a corner of the room?

Nothing on the floor except 4 pieces of furniture per room.

Minimalism dividend

If you were given a chance to go back in time and were given a full refund for exchanging all the things you emotionally bought, how would more extra cash you would have? You would definitely have more money today. Imagine if you had invested correctly instead of buying things, that investment would have given you dividends.

If the above advice sounds too strict, hear it out. As a minimalist, you will buy things and some of your purchases might end up as clutter. But compared to a normal soul who is spending on things and loading his house with 30,000 items, you are doing much better.

Do not go by what advertisers call it out as trend-like colors to wear this summer etc. By not falling into consumerism, you avoid debts. This is an advantage of being a minimalist and this is what the author calls a "Minimalism Dividend" just like stock dividends.

Refusal to buy things that waste money and take up clutter pays you minimalist dividends.

Do not relocate items

Most of us have done this. Let's say you purchased a flower vase thinking you would decorate it with beautiful flowers once a week. But as time goes by, the flower's cost and upkeep make you wonder if it's worth it. In that case, you accept the defeat and pack the vase and relocate the vase from display to a box in the basement. The Indian version is "top shelf of the room or below the bed". That's it, you forget and move on but that item is still sitting somewhere and adding to the clutter count.

Instead, the author recommends you donate or sell it at a garage sale. The Indian equivalent of a garage sale is olx. Either use the item or discard it. Before you discard it, run it through a small checklist like if your family member would get angry, when did you last use it? etc.

Ideas I do not agree with

At the shopping mall or supermarket, the things we buy fall into 2 categories. They are Consumables & Durables. The Consumables are food items, natural flowers, etc. The Durables are books, toys, and furniture. The author recommends buying consumables instead of durables as the consumables are spent for experiences but later bought for future use.

I like what the author says. Sometimes the books we do not start reading the books we read but we hold it thinking we will read them someday. The same with the DSLR camera which we bought. The authors advocate renting durables.

Having said that it's a noble idea to vote for consumables but not all consumables are safe. What if someone buys an addictive substance because he is not going to spend on durable? It's a possibility.

The Indian version would be to ask your mom/spouse to supervise the money for you. It works most of the time.

For investments, contact an advisor. For spending, you need a regulator.


Overall the book is an intermediate-level read where the reader is supposed to read and make changes not just to himself but to the lifestyle of the family. The goals of each room and the refusal to buy things that do not bring value or simply clutter are absolutely great ideas to explore at a young age.

If you are someone who walks with a plan, integrates parts of your life by design, and is willing to be counter-cultured, this book is for you. I will leave you with a quote from the book which I believe is so true.

Picture your dream home in mind, I bet it's not filled with clutter

48 hour start-up formula, from idea to launch in 1 weekend by Fraser Doherty MBE

· 4 min read

The first day of 2023 was spent on the couch with this book titled "48-hour start-up formula, from idea to launch in 1 weekend by Fraser Doherty MBE" in my hand.

The book falls in the Business genre. This genre is notorious for being tough to read, having way too theoretical ideas, beating the drum aka success literature, etc without any actionable items or take away for audiences. This book differs from the tough business books by staying up to date with the current omnichannel market strategy.

About the author

The author describes his childhood vividly in the book, He was an enthusiastic child who wants to make money by selling very early as a school-going kid. In this process, he learns everything practically.

Over the period, he makes his success mark with a product called SuperJam which is a product developed with his talented grandma in their kitchen and sold door to door in the initial days. Later the product is put on supermarket shelves and it goes on to make a successful international brand.

The author is well qualified to write a book on startups and launching products. Given his practical learning, the author refrains from ideas that lead to analysis paralysis.

Top 3 ideas from the book

USP is dead.

While finding the perfect idea for our startup, we were told to focus on something unique and not another copy product. But in reality, the real world is full of copy products which are a little different here and there. Maybe better, faster, cheaper, etc.

When there is no USP, we have to come to terms with people who are going to copy your product in parts or as a whole. In that case, the story behind the product is unique to each product and can be a strong anchor point in the customer's mind.

Be second, first

The first mover advantage is great but the first mover has to experiment a lot with his time and money. He has to have a research team to learn about the market. After all this hard work, the chances of the first mover's success are very less compared to the guy who learned from a successful product, made reasonable changes, and sold it.

Someone who starts second has a 75% less chance of failing. This is a perfect example of the commodities/items at the supermarket.

The middle of the road pricing is dangerous

The author discusses the 4P while developing an idea.

  1. P - Product, what am I selling
  2. P - Promotion, how will I let the world know that the product exists
  3. P - Place, where will my customers find me
  4. P - Price, at what price can I get customers and make a profit

When it comes to pricing, the improvised products take the middle road. They choose to place the price somewhere between the minimum and maximum. This technique is risky because the competition is intense and everyone is doing the same. The companies in the middle are on the decline. However, the space at the minimum and maximum has less competition and more profits.

For instance, Uber, Ryan Air, and Amazon are capturing low-end markets. Companies like Apple and Tesla are capturing high-end markets.

Something I do not agree with

Well, I agree with the ideas in the book. But planning something new minute by minute to be executed on a weekend comes at a cost. It means no time for weekend chores and I bet someone will distract us over the weekend unless you do all of this sitting in a private office.

The author emphasizes the importance of focused work and being in a great moment. Only through focus, the author tells with conviction that you can build your startup in 48 hours


The book is written on an important topic that could change your fate and live the life of your dreams. The author has given his best at writing the book by loading it with the latest and greatest tools that he uses or found on the internet. A must-read for entrepreneurial-minded people.