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· 3 min read
D Balaji

Useless Youtube Gear

In the pursuit of YouTube success, many content creators find themselves on a quest for the perfect gadgets to enhance their production quality. I too embarked on this journey, investing in four gadgets with the hope of elevating my content. However, hindsight has brought clarity, revealing that these purchases did not contribute significantly to my YouTube success. In this blog post, I'll delve into each gadget and share the lessons learned.

1. Whiteboard and Marker Pens: Simplicity vs. Practicality

At first glance, a whiteboard and marker pens seemed like a practical investment to recreate a classroom setting for content demonstrations. However, I soon realized that this setup required a level of confidence and was better suited for academic content. For my YouTube endeavors, originality, presentation, uniqueness, and searchability took precedence over the traditional classroom approach.

2. Digital Pens: The Unanticipated Learning Curve

Digital pens promised seamless scribbling and emphasis during screen sharing. Unfortunately, the reality included a steep learning curve. The basic digital pen I initially purchased turned out to be of little use without acquiring the specific skills needed. This experience underscored the importance of thoroughly researching and understanding the tools before making a purchase.

3. Software for Editing: A Windows Update and More

Video editing is an indispensable aspect of content creation, and I invested time in updating my Windows and learning the nuances of video editing. While I achieved some success, the hardware limitations of my PC hindered the production of high-quality, full-HD videos. This realization highlighted the need for a balance between software proficiency and hardware capabilities to meet the standards of modern YouTube content.

4. Lavalier Microphone: Battling Ambient Noise

Capturing pristine audio in a less-than-ideal environment posed a significant challenge. Despite the assistance of a lavalier microphone, the ambient noise from barking dogs and honking drivers persisted, preventing the attainment of studio-quality audio. This experience emphasized the importance of considering the external factors that can impact audio quality and exploring alternative solutions.

Conclusion: A Pragmatic Approach to YouTube Success

In conclusion, achieving YouTube success requires a blend of skills, awareness, and time commitment—factors that I found myself lacking. While certain gadgets, like a camera stand and a reliable camera phone, proved to be useful, the shift towards shorts and reels emerged as a more practical strategy. Testing content with shorter formats allows creators to gauge audience response without the need for an expensive infrastructure required for full-length videos.

Aspiring YouTubers should prioritize understanding their niche, refining their content, and gradually investing in tools that align with their evolving needs. Rather than hastily diving into full-length videos, a strategic focus on shorts and reels can provide valuable insights and pave the way for a more sustainable path to YouTube success.

To grow Youtube channel in a lean way, focus of shorts creation and pivot in a inexpensive way

· 3 min read
D Balaji


In the dynamic world of content creation, platforms like YouTube have played a pivotal role in connecting creators with their audiences. As someone who embarked on a YouTube journey in 2020, I experienced the highs and lows of content creation. However, after three years of dedication, I found myself at a crossroads, leading me to make the tough decision to step away from the platform. In this post, I'll delve into the three primary reasons that prompted me to bid farewell to YouTube and explore an alternative path that aligns better with my goals.

Reason 1: Landscape has changed

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic saw a surge in content creation as people sought new ways to spend their time. The demand for content was high, but by 2023, the landscape had transformed significantly. Educational content creators faced a daunting challenge of standing out amidst the crowd pullers like news, comics, and film-related content. Unfortunately, educational content struggled to capture the audience's attention, making it increasingly challenging for solo creators to thrive.

Reason 2: Posted content does not get promoted

While YouTube serves as a vast platform with immense potential, getting content noticed became an uphill battle. The algorithmic changes and sheer volume of content meant that creators had to rely on their existing subscriber base or invest in promotional efforts. For those starting from scratch, breaking through the noise proved to be as challenging as finding a needle in a haystack. The lack of organic promotion made it difficult for new creators without a substantial audience to showcase their work.

Reason 3: Form over content

The evolution of content creation standards brought forth new challenges. The days when a front camera sufficed for creating engaging content are long gone. Today, success demands high-quality cameras, aesthetically pleasing backgrounds, captivating thumbnail graphics, and more. The time-consuming process of adhering to these visual standards often took away from the core focus – the content itself. This shift towards a more polished presentation, while visually appealing, did not necessarily translate into increased viewership.


In light of these challenges, I've decided to retreat from YouTube content creation and refocus my efforts on traditional blogging. Leveraging the power of AI tools, my blogging endeavors have seen a resurgence. The efficiency and effectiveness of these tools have allowed me to rediscover the joy of content creation without the constraints and challenges posed by the ever-evolving landscape of YouTube.


The decision to step away from YouTube was not made lightly, and it's essential for content creators to regularly reassess their chosen platforms. While YouTube remains a giant in the industry, the shifting landscape and challenges faced by solo creators necessitate adaptability. For those seeking a more flexible and personally fulfilling creative outlet, exploring alternative mediums, like traditional blogging with AI enhancements, might prove to be the key to sustained success and satisfaction.