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7 posts tagged with "software-tools"

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· 2 min read
D Balaji

Some alt text

Dependabot is a bot or assistant that can help with security updates of your dependencies. Phew, that's cool right. A bot taking care of your application security threats. Here are more details about the dependabot.

· 3 min read
D Balaji

gift packages

You cannot be a professional developer without an encounter with Unix/Linux systems. Linux is the preferred operating system of choice for cloud machines. SSH is a magical technology to control the cloud machine without making a trip to the data center. All said but how to install and manage software on the Linux operating systems? The answer is Package Managers.

· 7 min read
D Balaji

ls command

I use windows 10 on a day to day basis. My colleagues and friends use windows too. The problem starts when the GUI disappears and we just have SSH access to the production boxes. On a production machine, running one wrong Unix/Linux command could risk your job. Here I am compiling the must know Unix/Linux commands keeping in mind the deployment and operations related tasks.

· 3 min read
D Balaji

Chrome Lighthouse

Introduction to Google Chrome Lighthouse

Version being discussed here -- Lighthouse 6.2.0

  • Lighthouse is an automation tool to audit the quality of web pages.

  • Lighthouse can help you monitor a bunch of metrics on mobile & desktop-like

    • Performance
    • Accessibility
    • Best practices
    • SEO
    • PWA etc
  • Lighthouse is to be baked into the tooling pipeline so that your app quality is monitored on a regular basis.

  • There are 2 variants of Lighthouse. One is the web version & other is the nodeJS version which we can use to conveniently integrate to the tooling.

Understanding Lighthouse as a system

Purpose - Audit web pages in the tooling stage

Input - The web page

Output - Report in JSON

Configuration - Configurable in terms of what parameters to measure

Extensible - with plugins

Analysing output - can be ingested to program through JSON or human-readable with

lighthouse viewer.

Programming language - NodeJS & GUI in the browser