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22 posts tagged with "frontend"

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· 3 min read
D Balaji

reading old updates

Staying up to date with relevant updates from the frontend community is an art rather than a science. I am a big fan of the Feedly app which is an awesome RSS feed reader. My blog updates can be subscribed to on Feedly for updates. Analyzing the data points, I am in favor of Twitter over subscribing to blogs for keeping you updated on the tools, libraries, processes, and APIs in the frontend.

· 3 min read
D Balaji

React component code

Let us say your product is planning to introduce an experimental feature. Your customer may or may not like the feature. In this case, you may have to turn off the feature for some users & turn it on for the rest. This is called A/B testing. But how to build components to conditional render the content. We can build feature-switch components.