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It's hard to setup purgeCSS with react CRA

· 3 min read
D Balaji
Lead Design Technologist

CSS modules

Ask any frontend veteran, CSS is the hardest thing to refactor. Having said that, unused CSS easily gets shipped to production despite modern build. One of the CSS pruning libraries is purgeCSS. Let's see how purgeCSS works with react CRA.

Fixed lighthouse SEO audit to 100 on my blog

· 3 min read
D Balaji
Lead Design Technologist

lighthouse score

Lighthouse is an amazing audit tool to check the performance of the website based on certain rules. I ran lighthouse from the chrome dev tools and this is what I found. An 80 on SEO score on the landing page. Read this blog to find out how I got the SEO score to 100.

WTF is this cookie policy alerts, third pary cookies on websites, etc

· 4 min read
D Balaji
Lead Design Technologist

website cookies

A cookie is a simple and important feature in frontend engineering. In fact, without cookies, most web apps may not be able to identify you. For instance, your Gmail won't remember you. You have to enter login and password again. If cookies are a must-have, why are websites asking for permission about cookie usage? Let's find out below.

Learning npm and apt package manager commands at once

· 3 min read
D Balaji
Lead Design Technologist

gift packages

You cannot be a professional developer without an encounter with Unix/Linux systems. Linux is the preferred operating system of choice for cloud machines. SSH is a magical technology to control the cloud machine without making a trip to the data center. All said but how to install and manage software on the Linux operating systems? The answer is Package Managers.

10 inspiring thoughts from developers guide book by John Somnez

· 6 min read
D Balaji
Lead Design Technologist

book praise

John somnez is the software developer guru who writes books and creates content for other developers. He is prolific, brilliant, and healthy at the same time. Needless to say, he is someone who can work 18 hours a day for years. His book is like Gita for developers. Here are 10 inspiring ideas that caught my attention. The complete software developers career guide is a fantastic read.

Simple feature switch ReactJS component in 5 lines of code

· 3 min read
D Balaji
Lead Design Technologist

React component code

Let us say your product is planning to introduce an experimental feature. Your customer may or may not like the feature. In this case, you may have to turn off the feature for some users & turn it on for the rest. This is called A/B testing. But how to build components to conditional render the content. We can build feature-switch components.