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4 things novice developers ignore and what can be done about it

· 3 min read
D Balaji
Lead Design Technologist

Self-taught individuals, boot camp graduates, mentored professionals, accomplished interns, and dedicated experts are some of the remarkable talents that have joined our workforce. While their technical skills are exceptional, it's important to recognize that becoming the best programmer at work entails more than just technical expertise. To make a comprehensive and valuable contribution to our organization, it is crucial to cultivate the following skills:


In the corporate world, even individuals who have been laid off often had a significant workload and a backlog of tasks. This highlights the substantial volume of work within most teams. As new joiners, it is essential to actively and purposefully select assignments that challenge your abilities and contribute to unblocking the team's progress. Additionally, identifying tasks that align with your strengths can further enhance your impact.

Let your peers know your strength through your work that you do.


Being a coder goes beyond the act of pushing code to a repository. It involves reviewing, providing feedback, and improving upon the work done by the team. Many codebases contain sections that have remained untouched for years. By reviewing such code, new joiners can engage in knowledge sharing and take the initiative to improve areas that may be unfamiliar to others.

Being proficient in reading and understanding others' code can accelerate your career growth.


The contributions of individual developers often go unnoticed in most teams. Exceptional communication skills are highly valued in such environments. Developers who can effectively communicate, lead engaging meetings, facilitate discussions, and manage virtual interactions are highly sought-after. Remember that meetings are an integral part of corporate life at various levels. Adhering to basic meeting etiquette, actively contributing valuable insights, and making meetings enjoyable can make a significant impact.

Keeping mum and over talking on the job are dangerous.

Professional Behavior

It is common for young engineers to form friendships within their intern groups, typically with individuals of similar experience levels. However, as young joiners in a professional setting, different expectations apply. Actively engaging with senior engineers and learning from their expertise through close collaboration is essential. Displaying good manners, maintaining a professional demeanor, and exhibiting positive attitudes contribute to professional growth and attract attention within the industry. Simple gestures like a firm handshake, a warm smile, and a proactive attitude establish credibility, respect, and foster positive relationships.

Youre being watched by your peers, behave diligently even when out of office.


A well-rounded professional understands the needs of the team and actively seeks opportunities to contribute rather than being solely focused on individual goals. By honing these skills, you will not only excel in your role but also establish yourself as a valuable asset within our organization.