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Tools & Tech to build apps in 2022

Frontend Technologies

Core Frontend topics

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. Javascript / ESNext
  4. Web APIs
  5. Typescript
  1. Post CSS
  2. Webpack
  3. React
  4. React redux
  5. React router
  6. Material UI
  7. Tailwind CSS
  8. JEST
  9. Playwright
  10. React testing library


  1. Responsive web design (RWD)
  2. Progressive web apps (PWA)


  1. NPM
  2. VS Code
  3. Chrome dev tools
  4. Content delivery networks
  5. SEO
  6. Google tag manager
  7. Google analytics
  8. Postman


  1. Next.JS
  2. Docusarus

Specific tech

  1. React Native
  2. Tensorflow JS
  3. Storybook

Backend Technologies

Core Backend topics

  1. Node JS
  2. Web services
  3. SQL
  4. NOSQL
  5. Authentication
  6. Message queues
  1. Hapi.JS
  2. Postgre SQL
  3. Mongo DB
  4. Redis
  5. GraphQL
  6. JWT / Auth0

Deployment Tools

  1. PM2

Design Tools

  1. Pen & Paper
  2. Figma


Core topics

  1. Serverless
  2. Microservices
  3. Containerization
  4. Web servers
  5. Web hooks
  6. Continuos integration
  7. Continous deployment
  8. Code management
  1. Nginx
  2. Linux Ubuntu
  3. Jenkins
  4. Emails
  5. Linux BASH
  6. Git / Github
  7. Github actions
  8. Docker
  9. Kubernetes


  1. AWS suite of tools

Enterprise Tools

  1. JIRA
  2. MS teams
  3. Linkedin
  4. Windows / Mac


  1. Operating systems
  2. Networking
  3. Algorithms
  4. Design patterns
  5. Data structures
  6. Programming